Author Guidelines

Guidelines for writing articles that are Research Results or equivalent research results in the Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Fisika consists of: Title; Name, address and agency of the author; Abstract (Indonesian, English); Introduction; Method; Results; Discussion; Conclusions and Suggestions; and List of References.

The detailed explanation is as follows:

 TITLE: The title should be concise and clearly informative. Must be precise with the problem to be discussed. Article title Maximum 14 words, 12pt font size with center alignment and new roman times font type.

 AUTHOR'S NAME and ADDRESS: The name is written without a title, and the main author is the first author and correspondence writer. Author agency is fully written and e-mails are only for the lead author.

 ABSTRACT: Abstracts are written in Indonesian using TNR-11. Space between lines 1 space. The abstract contains 100-150 words and only consists of 1 paragraph which contains the objectives, methods and results of the research. Keywords: 1 or more important words or phrases; Specific; or representative for this article.

 INTRODUCTION: Background as a problem to be solved as the reason why the title of the manuscript is put forward by explaining the linkages and relationships between the dependent variable, the independent variable and other variables that are considered and supported by the theory relevant to the title. The introduction also states the problem to be solved which is written implicitly in the paragraph and does not stand alone and ends with the research objective.

 METHODS: The research implementation method starts from the place of research, the size of the sample from the population, the research design, the analysis model / equation (such as regression, ANOVA and ANCOVA, etc.), the analysis technique (descriptive and inferential). The statistical tools required are as detailed as possible to test the research hypothesis, in response to the problems and objectives stated in the introduction or without statistical analysis in accordance with the type of research being referred to. For qualitative research adjusting qualitative research methods

 RESULTS: Description of research results preceded by descriptive analysis. While inferential analysis is needed to test a number of hypotheses and statistical hypotheses that are preceded by the necessary prerequisite tests on the dependent variable or in other appropriate ways. Qualitative analysis takes into account the stages of qualitative research methods

 DISCUSSION: The discussion is related to the number of models / equations that have been put forward in the research method by answering the question "why the independent variable has a significant or insignificant influence and begins with empirical (descriptive) discussion and supporting or unsupportive theories.

 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS: This conclusion contains the recommendations and limitations of the answers to the questions and the objectives and findings of the research. The conclusion does not contain only the repetition of the results but the summary results of the research. Limitations or deficiencies of research recommendations can be suggested by the development of further research.

 REFERENCES: The reference list contains at least 60% of the citations in the manuscript as the primary source following the APA (American Psychological Association) Style citation pattern.